Experience rate: x100 You will also be able to independently change your personal rate for experience from x1 to x100 at any time, using a special command or a NPC in any capital.
Time-tested core, no surprises The core is the same as on our other servers, everything is time-tested. No experiments at the opening!
Realm type - PVP You will not be able to disable pvp mode manually and hide from your opponents in the open world. You will have to answer for each /spit!
Crosserver battlegrounds On our battlegrounds you will meet players from all our game worlds. Of course, after opening all the content.
Progressive PvE content opening All PVP content will be available immediately after opening, including the recently implemented Tol Barad. And the raids will open one after another. They are all already fully implemented, so the wait will not be long.
A blizzlike that does not negate convenience and beauty Classic leveling, levels and classes in perfect combination with arena spectators, teleporters, custom shirts and enchantments.
For which players from all over the world choose PandaWoW
Anti-cheat, which has become even better. It is inconspicuous, but effective.
Wargames, SoloQ 1х1, 3х3 and RBGYou can conquer the arena without first searching for a team.
Crossfaction and crossrealm battlegrounds - quick group search, minimum waiting time.
Custom useful NPC Arena Spectator (viewing games in the arena/battlegrounds), PvE Spectator, Teleporter and many others.
Quick Rate Change - using command .xp rate from 1 to 100 (or using special NPC) you can change your exp rates individually at any time.
Dungeon and Raid Finder - fully implemented, you will no longer have to worry about searching for a party in LFG channel, all add-on raids are implemented.
Excellent implementation of classes, spells and talents Our many years of painstaking work will bring you pleasure in raids and on the battlegrounds and arenas!
Multilanguage - control panel and launcher become more comfortable in your native language. Our resources have been translated into several languages, some of them we provide support in the game and on the forum.
All tools are always at hand To solve any difficulties, excellent functionality has been assembled in the control panel, and you can report players and ask an employee without leaving the game.
Join the new game realm